Tom Martin
Tom MartinThe Time Is Now XIX, 2023Resin, artificial flowers, ceramic and stainless steel31.6 x 33.4 x 41.8 cm
Tom MartinThe time is now XXI, 2023Resin, artificial flowers, porcelain and stainless steel
25 x 25 x 29 cm -
Tom MartinBreachAcrylic on aluminium composite panel75 x 110 cm
Tom MartinBroken PromisesAcrylic on Aluminium Composite Panel120 x 120 cm
Tom MartinOn the Other SideAcrylic on aluminum50 x 70 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now XXVResin, artificial flowers, porcelain and stainless steel28 x 28 x 34 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now XXVIResin, artificial flowers, porcelain and stainless steel28 x 28 x 33.5 cm
Tom MartinCollateralAcrylic on aluminium composite panel105 x 115 cm
Tom MartinBuy Me LoveAcrylic on aluminium composite panel90 x 150 cm
Tom MartinCollateral IIAcrylic on aluminium composite panel105 x 115 cm
Tom MartinMakes The World Go Round III, 2015acrylic on aluminium composite panel85 x 100 cm
Tom MartinMakes the World Go Round VIAcrylic on aluminium composite panel85 x 100 cm
Tom MartinEconomical BreakdownAcrylic on aluminium composite panel100 x 120 cm
Tom MartinPoint of No ReturnAcrylic on aluminium composite panel130 x 110 cm
Tom MartinFrozen AssettsAcrylic on aluminium composite panel50 x 50 cm
Tom MartinSafety Blanket IIAcrylic on panel105 x 140 cm
Tom MartinStudy for One Moment in Time IIAcrylic on aluminium2013
50 x 50 cm -
Tom MartinSundae on a SundayAcrylic on aluminium composite panel2012
160 x 110 cm -
Tom MartinPut Your Cards on the TableAcrylic on aluminium composite panel2013
120 x 120 cm -
Tom MartinBreak ThroughAcrylic on aluminiumframed: 104 x 104 cm
100 x 100 cm -
Tom MartinOut of the BlueAcrylic on aluminium composite panel120 x 140 cm
Tom MartinContemplationAcrylic on aluminium panel100 x 140 cm
Tom MartinSkull CrushersAcrylic on canvas90 x 60 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now XIV, 2023Resin, artificial flowers, porcelain and stainless steel30.2 x 30.2 x 43.5 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now XV , 2023Resin, artificial flowers, porcelain and stainless steel27.2 x 27.2 x 48.5 cm
Tom MartinThe Time Is Now VII, 2020resin, ceramic, artificial flowers and stainless steel.29 x 23.5 x 23.5 x cm
Tom MartinRoasted and GroundAcrylic on polyester linen canvas145 x 160 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now IIIresin, glass, cold porcelain, plaster, paint, currency & stainless steel31 x 21 x 21 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now IVResin, steainless steel, glass, cold porcelain, paint and currency26 x 26 x 38 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now IXResin, hand painted artificial flowers, ceramic and stainless steel21 x 30.6 x 30.7 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now VIIIResin, hand painted artificial flowers, ceramic and stainless steel41.7 25 x 25 cm
Tom MartinOne Moment in TimeAcrylic on aluminium composite panel2013
85 x 120 cm -
Tom MartinOne Moment in Time IIIAcrylic on aluminium composite panel2013
85 x 115 cm -
Tom MartinA Short SilenceAcrylic on panel70 x 140 cm
Tom Martindéjà vuAcrylic on canvas68.5 x 114.5 cm
Tom MartinThe Nowness of ForeverAcrylic on aluminium composite panel150 x 105 cm
Tom MartinThe Time is Now, 2017Resin, stainless steel, glass, plaster, cold porcelain, paint and currency.23 x 23 x 39 cm
Tom MartinThe Time Is Now II, 2017Resin, stainless steel, porcelain, plaster, cold porcelain, paint and currency.23 x 23 x 42 cm
Tom MartinSafety BlanketAcrylic on aluminium105 x 135 cm
Tom MartinRedAcrylic on aluminium composite panel2013
125 x 115 cm -
Tom MartinOne Moment in Time IIAcrylic on aluminium composite panel2013
85 x 105 cm -
Tom MartinBreakfast in the 21st CenturyAcrylic on aluminium composite panel120 x 120 cm
Tom MartinNothing Artificial, Simply DeliciousAcrylic on aluminium composite panel85 x 170 cm
Tom MartinYellowAcrylic on aluminium composite panel100 x 190 cm
Tom MartinA Little Bit of LoveAcrylic on aluminium composite panel100 x 140 cm
Tom MartinPopAcrylic on aluminium panel120 x 130 cm
Tom MartinNatural DelicaciesAcrylic on aluminium panel100 x 150 cm
Tom MartinNo Artificial ColoursAcrylic on aluminium panel120 x 125 cm
Tom MartinKiwi StudyAcrylic on aluminium panel50 x 70 cm
Tom MartinForbidden FavouritesAcrylic on aluminium panel125 x 120 cm
Tom MartinComplimentary FlavoursAcrylic on aluminium100 x 100 cm
Tom MartinMade With TomatoAcrylic on aluminium110 x 155 cm
Tom MartinDreams of CaliforniaAcrylic on aluminium90 x 125 cm
Tom MartinA Wok FullAcrylic on aluminium100 x 100 cm
Tom MartinSummer SensationsAcrylic on aluminium105 x 150 cm
Tom MartinMy First Time in New YorkAcrylic on panel120 x 180 cm
Tom MartinGrains with a Distinctive Nutty FlavourAcrylic on aluminium100 x 100 cm
Tom MartinDelicately Smooth TasteAcrylic on aluminium125 x 96 cm
Tom MartinNon GMAcrylic on panel100 x 100 cm
Tom MartinAu NaturelAcrylic on panel150 x 100 cm
Tom MartinPerfect PorriageAcrylic on panel165 x 110 cm
Tom MartinA Little Piece of ItalyAcrylic on panel165 x 105 cm
Tom MartinEverybody Gets Tempted Sometimesacrylic on board185 x 120 cm
Tom MartinOne of Fiveacrylic on board90 x 90 cm
Tom MartinDaily Essentialsacrylic on board84 x 120 cm
Tom MartinIt's all goodacrylic on board120 x 120 cm
Tom MartinChill for 2-3 minutesAcrylic on canvas150 x 100 cm
Tom MartinAnother Sourceacrylic on board180 x 110 cm
Tom MartinWholewheatAcrylic on canvas100 x 100 cm
Tom MartinThree GlassesAcrylic on canvas114.5 x 152.5 cm
Tom MartinTypical CompositionAcrylic on canvas91.5 x 152.5 cm
Tom MartinClipsAcrylic on canvas95.3 x 114.3 cm
Tom MartinShort BarAcrylic on canvas80 x 80 cm
Tom MartinCarbo-ProtAcrylic on canvas63.5 x 76.5 cm
Tom MartinBarbellAcrylic on canvas72 x 96 cm
Fuelled by comments regarding the similarity between his paintings and photographs, English artist Tom Martin rebels against the photographic image by playing with scale and perspective. Although photography is used as a tool, Martin does not imitate a false reality like that seen in a reproduced image.
Martin's subject matter is varied, from female nudes to larger than life chrome plated pieces of steel. He also holds a strong interest in health and wellbeing as seen in paintings of health foods contrasted against tempting arrangements of sweets. Martin finds beauty within these often overlooked items by adding intricate reflections and abstracted bands of colour, enabling the viewer to examine more than they would normally care to do.
His body of work is representative of a more considered version of reality, one where the reproduced image is perceived to be real but cannot exist in photography. For instance, Martin positions vulnerable nude figures wrapped in large-scale money or with oversized sweet wrappers, a scenario that could never happen yet seems so real in paint.
Martin's use of CMYK dot patterns with the precision obtainable through modern technology enables an exactitude whilst generating a diverse way of seeing a painting. The artist continues to explore and employ optical devices, such as photo-stitching and airbrush on aluminium, and is now producing still life paintings of panoramic scenes.
Tom Martin is unique in his choice of subject matter and his approach to rendering it in paint. He makes no bones about being photographic in his approach and depending on photographs for his raw material. But in practice his work is hyper-photographic; to coin a phrase: it carries photographic representation further than a mere camera could ever do.
Many of the paintings are panoramic, giving the impression that we are seeing not only what is immediately in camera range, but also around corners and exploring depths which would be beyond the capabilities of any one camera to reach. Martin makes clear that his paintings are devised with the aid of many photographs, welded together and re-imagined with considerable technical virtuosity and a constructive mastery of perspective remarkable in one so young.
This approach brings Martin closer to the early Pre-Raphaelite practice than most other hyperrealist artists. Though his subject matter - the high tech machine - could hardly be more remote in feeling from the leaves and flowers that preoccupied the Pre-Raphaelite painters, the ultimate hallucinatory effect of seeing more than the human eye - or now, than any camera lens - could ever see at one go, is exactly the same.
- John Russell Taylor , extract from Exactitude: Hyperrealist Art Today
For purchase enquiries and costs, or to arrange a viewing, please contact our team at or phone the gallery directly on 020 7730 7656.
Christmas Group Show
10 Dec 2024 - 14 Jan 2025A. Averbach, J. Banegas, T. Betts, J. Bodin, P. Cadden, P. Campos, A. Castellanos, F. Chartier, S. Kaluza, C. Klein, V. Klevenskiy, A. Klimas, L. Kloosterboer, I. Levashov, C. Marsh, T. Martin, V. Muller, G. Semple, A. Sheversky, A. Smart, P. Smolko, F. Stile, A. Tough, J. Wessmark, D. Wojtkiewicz & C. WylieRead more -
The Great Spring Show
22 May - 17 Jun 2024The RHS Chelsea Flower Show, formally known as the Great Spring Show returns this week! Held at Chelsea since 1912, it promises amazing garden designs and gorgeous floral displays so...Read more -
Christmas Show
Group Show 14 Dec 2023 - 22 Jan 2024We are thrilled to celebrate Christmas with our artists by having a group show. This will start on 14th December 20203 and will run until 22nd January 2024. If you...Read more -
Tom Martin's - Solo show 12 Sep - 16 Oct 2023We are pleased to announce Tom Martin’s latest solo show ‘The Eternal Present’. The exhibition will run from Tuesday 12th September until Monday 16th October 2023 and will showcase the...Read more -
Coronation, Group Show 2023
3 May - 6 Jun 2023We are pleased to announce our Group Show, 'Coronation' running from 3rd May until 6th June 2023. May 6th will be a day to remember as it is the coronation...Read more -
Summer Group Show 2021
21 Jun - 31 Aug 2021We are delighted to announce our most recent exhibition Summer Show, 2021 featuring a fantastic wide range of new paintings by our artists! There is also a virtual reality version...Read more -
50 Years of Realism - Photorealism to Virtual Reality
Rio de Janeiro (21 May - 29 July), Brazil 7 Nov 2018 - 29 Jul 2019The aim of ’50 Years of Realism – From Photorealism to Virtual Reality’ is to present to the Brazilian audience a rich exhibition of a few well-established contemporary hyperrealist artists...Read more -
Museu del Tabac, Andorra 21 Jun - 30 Sep 2018Hyperrealism is an art form that is of significant importance in our contemporary society today and one that continues to develop as technology advances.Read more
Surrounded by images, signage, advertisements and mass-media in general, it has been said that the world in which we live, shapes and transforms our experience to the point that “reality” is recognised only when it is re-produced. The fine line between reality and our media- saturated culture is increasingly blurred.
Winter Show
17 Jan - 10 Feb 2018Our annual group exhibition. Starting off the new year right with amazing new works by our gallery artists and showcasing new artists to the gallery.Read more -
Autumn Show
20 Sep - 4 Nov 2017This September welcomes the annual Autumn Show, we invite you to take this opportunity and view the latest Hyper-realistic paintings by a selection of Plus One Gallery artists. New works...Read more -
Tom Martin: Perpetual Motion
17 May - 10 Jun 2017Plus One Gallery is pleased to announce Tom Martin ’ s 2017 solo show ‘ Perpetual Motion ’ . The exhibition will run from Wednesday 17th May until Saturday 10th...Read more -
Official Opening
Plus One Gallery: Battersea Reach 20 Sep - 15 Oct 2016To celebrate our relocation to Battersea Reach, Plus One gallery will have an official opening event on Tuesday 20th September. There will be many new works by gallery artists unveiled...Read more -
Battersea Reach 20 Jul - 3 Sep 2016Plus One Gallery is delighted to announce that the forthcoming Summer Show, 2016 will take place at our new gallery in Battersea Reach. Look forward to viewing an array...Read more -
Winter Show
Group Show 13 Jan - 6 Feb 2016This exhibition will showcase a selection of recent paintings by; Jacques Bodin, Mike Briscoe, Paul Cadden, Pedro Campos, Patricia Casanova, Daniel Cuervo, Paul Day, Gustavo Fernandes, David Finnigan, Nourine Hammad, Alexandra Klimas, Carlos Marijuan, Tom Martin, Elena Molinari and Ben Schonzeit.Read more -
20|21 International Art Fair 2015
Royal College of Art Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU 14 - 17 May 2015Stand 39 Now in its ninth year, this 'boutique’ fair showcases modern and contemporary art from around the world. There are also a number of dealers who specialise in work...Read more -
Real Impossibilities
Tom Martin - Solo Show 8 Oct - 16 Nov 2013The exhibition ‘Real Impossibilities’ began, almost, as a rebellion against the photograph. Fuelled by comments regarding the parallel between his paintings and photographic images, Martin developed the ethos that his...Read more -
The Naked Truth
Toby Boothman | Juan Cossio | Hubert de Lartigue | Tom Martin | Francisco Rangel | Craig Wylie This exciting show will combine the classical with the surreal… 5 Jun 2013 - 1 Jul 2014Achieving a flawless depiction of the human figure has long been the battle throughout the world of art. Not only must the artist be successful in their rendition of human...Read more -
Winter Show
Discover the beauty and reason of hyperrealism in this group show presenting reality anew. 13 Feb - 16 Mar 2013Mark your calendar for Plus One Gallery’s February exhibition showcasing the tradition and purpose of Art at Plus One Gallery. As a leading European gallery specialising in hyperrealism, the first...Read more -
Hyperrealism Now!
See the first new hyperrealist works of 2012 in this group show featuring 16 prominent artists. 22 Feb - 17 Mar 2012Plus One Gallery’s cream of the crop, sixteen of the best hyperrealist artists in the world, bring their first new works of 2012 to Plus One Gallery’s February exhibition Hyperrealism...Read more -
Bon Appétit
Plus One Gallery invites You to Indulge in Mouth Watering Art 16 Nov - 10 Dec 2011Bon Appétit! Plus One Gallery invites You to Indulge in Mouth Watering Art Live the good life and taste the still life! Make your way to Plus One...Read more -
Winter Show
2 - 27 Feb 2010Plus One Gallery is pleased to start 2010 with a mixed show of hyperrealist paintings by gallery artists. Each artist is set apart by their unique and original approach to...Read more -
Tom Martin
16 Sep - 10 Oct 2009Having won the Rotherham Artist of the Year Under 25, in 2007, Plus One Gallery is pleased to present the first solo show of photorealist artist Tom Martin. For this...Read more -
EXACTITUDE, HYPERREALIST ART TODAY 21 Apr - 16 May 2009'Exactitude, Hyperrealist Art Today', published by Plus One Publishing and Thames and Hudson, is an imaginative and original book which presents a selection of contemporary artists, most of whom are...Read more -
Exactitude IV
17 Sep - 8 Oct 2008The fourth in the ongoing series of Exactitude exhibitions, this show presents a selection of contemporary artists working in a realist style. We do not form a declared ‘movement’: there...Read more -
Summer Show
10 Jun - 26 Jul 2008
Hyperrealism Today
Article on Hyperrealism written by Maggie Bollaert published on EF Magazine November 1, 2023Hyperrealism is defined as a figurative art form of superlative precision and exceptional clarity. It is the most direct visual expression of art omitting the...Read more -
7 Questions for Plus One Gallery Founder Maggie Bollaert on Why She’s Heralding the Next Generation of Hyperrealist Artists - Artnet Article
The London-based gallery has championed contemporary figurative art since 2001 October 24, 2023Founded in 2001 by Colin Pettit and Maggie Bollaert, London’s Plus One Gallery specializes in contemporary hyperrealism and photorealist art from the 1960s. With a...Read more -
September 2001 - September 2021 September 20, 2021This week Plus One Gallery is 20 years old! It is 20 years since we first opened our doors in Seymour Place on the 17th...Read more -
Hiperrealisme | 21 Jun - 30 Sept | Museu del Tabac, Andorra
July 3, 2018 -
An Interview with Tom Martin
May 24, 2017Collateral’ and ‘Collateral II’ both 115 x 105cm, Acrylic on aluminium composite panel When did you become interested in Hyperrealism? How long have...Read more -
How is Consumerist Culture Represented in Hyperrealism?
June 29, 2016Built around imagery of recognisable brands, celebrity cults and everyday life, consumerist art is rooted in the present social context.Read more -
Sweet Temptation in Hyperrealism
June 9, 2016Using a sensuous palette of colours and textures, many hyperrealist artists explore temptation, primal pleasures and how food can comfort the soul.Read more -
A Taste of your Five-a-Day in Hyperrealism
April 27, 2016Many hyperrealists explore fruit as a representation the transient nature of life, using colour to remind us of the inevitability of mortality and change.Read more